Recent content by Puckett

  1. P


    Evolve is the Brink of this console generation. Especially given the Season 2 season pass BS.
  2. P


    Well Rider, we had to do SOMETHING to amuse ourselves while you were handling all the heavy lifting. ;) At least you can console yourself with the knowledge that we're entirely aware that it's planned and choreographed. One of these days, we should catch up, even if it isn't playing a game. My...
  3. P

    That Handsome Collection

    I can try to be. I'll ping you if I see you on. I don't know if there's cross-generational play since the collection is for current gen and BL2 is only available on last gen. It is an interesting q and worth asking given how much time they put into making sure people who don't buy DLC can play...
  4. P


    Been a hell of a summer around these parts, and when I've been able to sit up, I've been spending that little time with the kid, the gf and trying to actually play a game every now and again instead of posting. No idea when my health is going to ease up on me, but I miss you silly knuckleheads...
  5. P

    That Handsome Collection

    So I picked up the Handsome Collection a few days ago - anyone have any lowbie gear to drop on me or feel like doing some power-leveling since my BL2 saves are on the Xbox and I'm starting over on PS4?
  6. P

    Weekend Gaming

    Here's the thing - I do think it's easier BUT I'm not sure if that's because it actually is easier or because I played Dark Souls and got help and had to learn to play, and then played Dark Souls 2 and got help and had to learn to play. It feels easier to me, but I suspect it's because I'm used...
  7. P


    This ^^^ to infinity. On the other hand, it gives you plenty of time to get snacks/drink something/take a bio break/read a book/watch a season of West Wing/Go out to dinner ... in another country/etc. The pebble won't aggro everyone. Firing the gun appears to aggro mobs that can hear the...
  8. P

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    Re: Today I have... Gf switched to cider because of gluten - plenty of nice ciders that are gluten-free. Samurai Champloo was better than good - it was amazing. I'm not an anime fan at all anymore, but I made an exception for that show.
  9. P

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    Re: Today I have... I've long had a dream of opening a restaurant to serve culinary abominations exactly like that one. I'm the dude who makes vegetarian hamburgers with grilled cheese sandwiches as a bun. I'm the guy who turns mac and cheese into the base for nachos. I'm the guy who goes to...
  10. P

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    Re: Today I have... Well, the best local Indian place opened not long after I moved out here and I've been eating there ever since. I think I've eaten every vegetarian dish on the menu, and they wound up adding paneer masala because I kept ordering it for a decade even though it wasn't...
  11. P

    Weekend Gaming

    Oh, boy. How much do you want for them?
  12. P

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    Re: Today I have... He is not lying about Indian food. I'm a vegetarian so I usually go with paneer masala, but it is DELICIOUS (the masala sauce, IIRC, is a cream/tomato base - paneer is handmade cheese). Garlic naan is also great, but aloo naan (potato flatbread) is even better if it's...
  13. P

    Weekend Gaming

    If you got a sunflower? I do love me some PvZ. I just want the second one to be a full-feature single-price game at some point. SOON.
  14. P


    Everyone forgets Knack. I have it sitting in a stack of games and I forget it. BECAUSE IT'S FORGETTABLE.
  15. P


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