Recent content by Pioneer

  1. P

    Mounting a MoBo Upside Down?

    You know I've recieved so many mixed replys on multiple boards I think I'm just going to build a solid base and put the hardware on the bottom. I thought it would be easier my way but it sounds like people think it's risky due to cooling issues.
  2. P

    Mounting a MoBo Upside Down?

    Well, I'm making a tabletop MAME arcade cabinet out of wood. I took apart an old case for the metal to mount the motherboard to. I just need to know that if it's facing downward if it will perform normally. The reason why I want to do this is so I can leave the bottom of the rectangular wooden...
  3. P

    Mounting a MoBo Upside Down?

    I want to mount a motherboard upside down Will this affect any of the processes or hardware such as the weight of any aftermarket heatsink on the processor ? Also since ther is no case, what is the best way to keep the agp card secure? Please help with any advice. Thanks.
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