Recent content by MustangMike

  1. M

    2 fan airflow

    probably wouldn't improve it, considering the internal fan is already pushing as much as it can out...
  2. M

    how to overclock my processor, RAM & graphic card

    holy ****... a mx 440!? wow, those things are **** near indestructible...! i had mine for 5 years... the fan died. just replaced to a newer card 512 mb card about a month ago.
  3. M

    Monitor Program

    I like Everest...
  4. M

    Case mod PCI question...

    haha yeah... i swear my head is still spinning... lol this project better go better....
  5. M

    Case mod PCI question...

    thanks, that'll work perfect! EXCEPT I broke my plexiglass cover... garbage. Although, I'll be remaking it :) I went to go sit down in my chair after my roommate walked behind me... didn't realize she had moved the chair. Fell backwards with the case cover in hand, suffered a mild...
  6. M

    Case mod PCI question...

    Well, I'm officially a retard... I'm currently about 90% done with my case mod and realized that the placement of my dvd drives are in the way of a loaded pci slot. Is there anything I can purchase will plug into the slot and redirect the signal to somewhere else in the case? something that...
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