Recent content by modus

  1. M

    Official Doom3 Thread

    You think my system would run it in low resolution? Ack! I wonder how it looks in low resolution mode. Certainley I'd be losing out on some of the experience. Anyone else have input on this?
  2. M

    Official Doom3 Thread

    DOOM 3 Tech Questions Hi. I was wondering if anyone has any input on this. Please explain what kind of rig you have and how the game performs. My PC is a 2.2 Gig P4, 512MB RAM, GeForce FX 5200 128MB DDR PCI Graphics Card...... How do you think my system will perform with this game? Cheers...
  3. M

    Windows 2000 Setup Trouble

    Ok... turns out my Win2K boot disks were bad afterall. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Ebon. I owe you one.
  4. M

    Windows 2000 Setup Trouble

    Hmmm... I don't know so much about the disks. I think the main thing that concerns me at the moment is the hard drive. Many techs I've spoken too are hinting towards that, including some people posting on this forum. Good point though. I'll be sure to make a new set of disks.
  5. M

    Windows 2000 setup trouble

    Ok awesome! So I can pretty much chalk all this up to being some HDD related issue. Once I get home today, I will be sure to try using a 98 boot disk, and get the c drive formatted. Perhaps that will resolve my issue. I'll be sure to chime in again some time tomorrow and let you all know if...
  6. M

    Windows 2000 Setup Trouble

    Hi... this is my first post/thread. Glad to be a part of the community. Anyway, I'm having trouble installing Windows 2000 on this crappy PC. I'm getting an error message and I'm not sure what it means. I made the 4 floppy setup disks for Win2000, put the first one in and boot up the system...
  7. M

    Windows 2000 setup trouble

    No I've never worked on this PC before. It's an older e-machines (aka coffee mug warmer) and another tech at my work thought it could be the hard drive too. Before all this I got the PC and I tried booting it up as if everything was normal. It seemed like Win2K was going to load up.. and then...
  8. M

    Windows 2000 setup trouble

    Hi... this is my first post/thread. Glad to be a part of the community. Anyway, I'm having trouble installing Windows 2000 on this crappy PC. I'm getting an error message and I'm not sure what it means. I made the 4 floppy setup disks for Win2000, put the first one in and boot up the system...
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