Recent content by ibelous

  1. I

    First Boot No Display

    Check your cpu. The only "Silent Deaths" I know of are caused by CPU, when you turn on your comp and no beeps. Try going to like a mom and pop shop and get your cpu tested, as far as resetting your CMOS, try googling a thing called CMOSkill. =D
  2. I

    Computer start-up problem

    Ok, I just had a custommer with the same problem and same cpu. Must be something about the amd dual cores, but anyways sounds to me like youve got a serious overheating problem. Try to see if your bios setup has a power management tab, and see if ur cpu and mobo are running at steady temps. Also...
  3. I

    did i fry my mobo?

    yeah that mobo should do the trick
  4. I

    Burnt capacitor on hard drive still usable?

    I agree with CrazeD, i would however try to goto a mom and pop shop, and see if they have old hard drives laying around, and see if they can find you a matching circuit board. They are very easy to replace, just four screws out and four screws in =D. I had the same problem with my 160G Seagate...
  5. I

    Accessing an Internal Hard Drive via a USB

    try connecting the hard drive while the laptop is on. then goot your control panel and double click "Add Hardware" let it run through and windows should detect it and install the proper drivers by itself.
  6. I

    First Boot No Display

    So whats the 4-pin speaker connector for?
  7. I

    did i fry my mobo?

    now what kind of ram did you use that you were able to fit it in the socket backwards? if it was SDRAM or DDR you brokje your mobo already, because fitting a ram in the socket backwards cracks a little seperator in the socket. Chances are you fit part of the ram in and thought it was secure and...
  8. I

    CPU or MB problem? Or both?

    sounds to me like youve got a shot mobo. It may be the CPU as well but I would try swapping out the mobo first and seeing if taht helps. Reason i say that is... you said your original problem was taht the comp wouldnt not see a hard drive periodically which to me suggests a bad IDE controller or...
  9. I

    big probliem

    Try booting into Safe mode, if it boots then its one of your drivers acting up, if it doesnt go into safe mode then my friend your only other option taht i could see before buying a new drive is dop afresh windows install see if its maybe file corruption.
  10. I

    USB aren't working properly

    try getting yourself a copy of Driver Cleaner and clean out all your usb drivers, next if your computer is a brand name log to their website and download the USB and chipset drivers for your specific model and reinstall them both, DONT FORGET TO REBOOT and then try it out if you cant get a...
  11. I


    test your ram, run memtest see if it comes up with any errors, also if you have a fan on your video card add some thermal grease under it and check if your power supply has heavy amounts of dust inside if so, i DO NOT recommend cleaning it, rather buy yourself a new power supply and you should...
  12. I

    Unaturally Slow

    hey guys, so heres the problem, im currently working on a pc that boots up great and runs programs very well. But it randomly slows down, when i open my task manager it says my explorer.exe is using up 80-100% of my cpu... then after a few minutes its fine again. I've run Memtest86 and CPU...
  13. I

    Possible processor problem...

    it really sounds like you need to run a burn-in on your cpu, you can get CPU Burnin as mentioned above at CPU Burnin Homepage
  14. I

    Windows 2000 pro install not able to find SCSI HD

    when setup first initializes it asks you to hit a key to load drivers for scsi and third party hardware, make sure you do that.... keep your eye on the messages at the bottom of your screen during the first part of installation
  15. I

    Rapid Beeping before post

    problem fixed seems a bit of fresh thermal grease did the trick, thanx guys :D
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