Recent content by GeminEye2k5

  1. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    I checked my mobo last night and I didn't see any visible damage on can I check to see if my cpu is damaged?
  2. G

    Video Card problems

    I'm not an expert on cooling but water mixed with compiuters doesn't sound like a good combination.
  3. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    Ahh thanks dude lol, I've seen those on all types of electronics but didn't know what they were. I'm gonna take a look in my mobo tonight to see if theres any damage like that. I pray that its just a PSU problem. I want to check how many watts my PSU is capable of. I'm starting to suspect it...
  4. G

    Can anyone help???

    That would probably be the solution, I had the ssame problem reinstalling an old PC with windoews without using the recovery partition and I had to search online as well as on some recovery disks (that fortunately came with the PC) to reinstall and get all the stock hardware to work again. I'm...
  5. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    Would a weaker PSU cause my mobo/cpu/gpu to heat up more than usual causing the shutdowns?
  6. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    Unfortunately I don't but the computer seems to work fine since I reseated the ram...and sorry but I don't know what a capacitor looks like :(....if so, what does a "bad" one look like?...but I managed to check my GPU temperature and at idle its around 58 degrees and when I load a game and play...
  7. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    no, I reseated the RAM in the computer with the problem and I'm using the computer right now to reply again....I'm going to run a game and monitor my GPU temperature level to see if overheating may be the issue...I don't know but everything seems to work again like it did before but I have yet...
  8. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    I just tried removing and reseating the memory and I'm actually using the computer right at this moment to reply to you. So this should mean that my memory is fine and that either my mobo or cpu could be the problem....:(
  9. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    if its a Processor or mobo issue thats gonna definitely suck for me....I think I'm out of a warranty also :(.....I'm feeling impending doom.
  10. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    nothing comes BIOS, no Windows loading Screen. When the problem started up again I was in-game and the computer just completely shut-off.... I waited about 30 seconds and pressed the power button and you can hear the cooling fan spin-up and power-supply but nothing else. If it were a...
  11. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    The monitor I used for it is in use currently on another PC I have and it works fine (no probems what so ever)...I doubt it has anything to do with overheating because I've been using the 6600 GT in my other PC and haven't had any problems with heat period. The computer doesn't have integrated...
  12. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    Thank you I'm gonna have to try that as soon as I get off of work.
  13. G

    I startup my computer and nothing appears on screen...

    Hi all I've been having a problem with my media center PC...It is an HP Pavilion PC and it seems to be having a major problem....I recently upgraded my graphics card from an ATI Radeon X300 to an Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT.....the transition went with no incident...but after almost a year of use one...
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