Recent content by enarchay

  1. E

    Need help with cable management

    What do you mean? Do you guys think my cable management is good enough for now? Because I really am afraid to open things up and start over - I'm worried I'll mess something up or something. I've already spent a lot of time on the computer already, even if I didn't do that great of a job. I...
  2. E

    Need help with cable management

    The extra PSU cables are zipped tied together in two groups. It's just that they are so long even folded that they don't push in all the way into the drive bay. Are you suggesting I should try to zip tie some of my PSU cables to one of the bays? Not sure if there'd be enough room for them all...
  3. E

    What Smart Fan settings?

    What setting should I put the temperature control thing at? How low can I go with the fan speed % to reduce noise? And it seems like my computer already controls CPU fan speed somehow, as it gets somewhat louder when the computer gets hotter. Maybe that's Cool'N'Quiet. Do I even need Smart Fan...
  4. E

    Need help with cable management

    I don't see where it'd go. The 4/8-pin connector must connect all the way at the top left of the motherboard. There are only two ways I can think to do it. First, run the cable out the top opening in the case, out the back, through the opening where the PSU sits, under the PSU, out the opening...
  5. E

    Need help with cable management

    Here are two other pictures. I only took a few before I closed up my computer. (My camera stinks.) Hopefully these are good enough:
  6. E

    Need help with cable management

    I tried, but it wouldn't lock into place. I think it's because the front end of the HDD is longer or something, preventing it from going all the way in.
  7. E

    What Smart Fan settings?

    To be honest, I'm not sure what all Smart Fan controls. It doesn't say. I assume it controls my hSF as well, which is the loudest - I don't mind the rest of the fans.
  8. E

    Should I use Cool'N'Quiet?

    No, I'm not overclocking. However, I plan to use my computer for some games.
  9. E

    Need help with cable management

    Anyone going to respond?
  10. E

    What Smart Fan settings?

    In BIOS, Smart Fan has the following options: Smart Fan target: 40c 45c 50c 55c 60c CPU min. fan speed %: 0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5 75.0 87.5 CPU Fan PIN select 3 PINS 4 PINS What should I put these settings at? Or should I not use Smart Fan at all? I also have Speedfan and could use...
  11. E

    Should I use Cool'N'Quiet?

    I currently have Cool'N'Quiet disabled, but I just noticed that my heat sink is a little noisy. According to Speedfan, the heat sink fan is running at 5017 RPM, while the CPU is at 40c. My question is if I should turn on Cool'N'Quiet. I don't know much about it, but I've heard that it can...
  12. E

    Need help with cable management

    I just got my computer set up but I want to make sure cable management is good. I got it most of it done but I'm still a little worried. First, I'm not sure if stuffing the extra cables in the disk bay will impend air flow, but I have no idea what else to do with them. Someone who reviewed my...
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