Recent content by bluewasp

  1. B

    gpu overheating help please

    a card such as the 9100gt is likely to be integrated into the main board. I've never known an integrated chip to overheat that badly or at all. A GPU would have protection methods inside preventing it from going over about 95C. It's possible that the GPU's sensor is sending incorrect data. A...
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    BSOD Once (Clock Interrupt Secondary Processcor Message) - No Bootup Since

    I think a BIOS flash would be the best thing to try before I start worrying about issues such as the heatsink not being fitting correctly or core voltage set too high.
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    BSOD Once (Clock Interrupt Secondary Processcor Message) - No Bootup Since

    It could be the core voltage but shouldn't the CPUs be at correct voltage from the production facility anyway. I cant really increase the Core voltage because the system is under warranty. However I didn't build this system and instead had the system custom built. The CPU heatsink is...
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    BSOD Once (Clock Interrupt Secondary Processcor Message) - No Bootup Since

    I recently upgraded to a new machine and 4 days into using it, I got a BSOD saying "Clock Interrupt On Secondary Processor Not Received Within Allocated Time Limit". Stop code error was 0x101. System has had 2- 3 hours light use total and 10 min of the Unigine Heaven Benchmark at full with...
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    Router Setup Problem - Neatgear FVS124G

    i changed my ip address in both my router and all pcs behind it but i am still unable to change settings that require clicking add rule etc
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    Router Setup Problem - Neatgear FVS124G

    I am having problems with my router setup. I'll login into the setup and it'll work perfectly until i change a setting (e.g - click add rule in port triggering section) when the settings area will go white in firefox and page cannot be displayed in IE7. is there any fix for this. i'm using...
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    One Problem! One Question?

    currently I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit (Service Pack 0) and IE7 but when I load certain intenret pages for example the search page on youtube, IE just refuses to load the page even after 10 min (i have 10mbit broadband) even though the internet is not in use. does anyone know how to fix this...
  8. B

    Windows 98 Question

    what i mean is the overall specs for the machine that it was originally installed on, gpu, cpu etc if there is a way to obtain that info cuz i was hoping to virtualize it on my windows vista pc. if there is virtual machine software out there where you can program the specs you want the client os...
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    Windows 98 Question

    recently i've loaded up an old windows 98 (not SE) hdd and i was curious about the computer that used to host it. is there any info stored inside the hdd about the specs that the hdd used to be in and is it accessible from Windows Vista may seem a strange question but i'm sure someone has...
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    Folsder Refuses To Delete And Shadow Copies

    currently I have 150gb of storage space on my HDD but 30gb of it locked up into two areas that refuse to delete. my OS is 64-bit Vista Ultimate 1: a folder that is 10gb large and whenever i right click on it, Windows Explorer crashes. I tried deleting it in safe mode but it refuses to delete...
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    IE7 process problems

    thanks for your advice, i'll check with process explorer. i'm using Bitdefender 2008. it's the only 64 bit security software that will work with my OS.
  12. B

    IE7 process problems

    recently, everytime I switch my pc on. the Internet Explorer process will start up and refuse to close in Task Manager. i am currently running 64Bit Vista Ultimate with 2gb ram. the process takes up 100% cpu and up to 500000k of ram as well as giving me pop-ups with the title "CiD:" and various...
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    Anyone Know Any 64 Bit Security Software

    does anyone know of any security software that is compatiable with Vista 64 Bit because everywhere i go i can only find 32 bit. i've been trying for weeks and i only got vista firewall protecting me
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    Strange Problem?

    currently i have Vista Ultimate 64 Bit i went into recently changed documents to check what had been changed. the system locked up for over 5 minutes when it started responding again, all of the files in the recently changed section had been deleted and were gone from their locations. they...
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    A Little Help?

    thanks a lot, i'm a newb so i didn't realise i had bumped my thread and i didn't press any bump button. i apoligise for that. hopefully now i will get these tasks done quicker
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