Recent content by Benchap

  1. Benchap

    This is Ben

    Hi, I'm Ben, my native language unfortunately isn't English :( and my machine still runs with XP. But I'm happy with it so far. Ben PS: By the way, I'm just about to create a little music video and I'm searching for contributors. Everyone who can handle a webcam or a cellphone and who wants to...
  2. Benchap

    Making a music video with webcam or cellphone - who contributes?

    Hi all! Here's something very offtopic, still it needs some technical skills. Just want to ask, who'd be interested in contributing to a "homemade" music video?? Since it will not be an official video, that rotates on MTV :rolleyes: or the likes, there is no need for a super high quality...
  3. Benchap

    Hi, I'm Ben...

    ... and I've just landed. My machine still is running on XP, nevertheless I'm happy with it so far. Will drop my first post in offtopic in a minute. Hm, actually it's my second after this one. Confusing.... :whistling:
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