Recent content by alchemist007

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    More Ram/Low Speed OR Less Ram/High Speed

    I am building a gaming pc. What do you recommend. basically its between 2gb and 4gb... thank you for your help.
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    Is it worth it to sell my PS3 for a Gaming PC?

    I have always gamed on consoles. I have never gamed on PC. But I feel as though I am missing so much on PC. So I have decided I may want to sell my PS3 and add in some more money to buy a gaming pc and start enjoying the games I could never get my hands on with a console. But is it worth it to...
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    Building Gaming Pc for first time - I have compiled some Specs - Need Help. Thanks

    So far after reading reviews and recommendations... these are specs of the computer I have come up with. After reading these please give me an idea of how powerfull the computer will turn out to be and overall if it will be a good computer. Also recommendations are welcome =) Specs...
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    Building PC for first time - I have Compiled some Specs - Help/Recommendations needed

    So far after reading reviews and recommendations... these are specs of the computer I have come up with. After reading these please give me an idea of how powerfull the computer will turn out to be and overall if it will be a good computer. Also recommendations are welcome =) Specs...
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