Are there any 3rd Party Anti-Virus/Anti-malware pgms that allow safe use of Win7 while online.


Solid State Member
As the title suggests, if I were to want to run Win7 on an older PC while online, is there any 3rd party anti virus app/malware app that would cover for Microsoft's lack of security support? Something like the premium version of Malwarebytes for example.
You can put any or exactly what you want or what you like. None of them will protect you in any way.
The only thing that protects is what is between your own two ears.
The only thing they all do for Windows 7 user is that you don't see those annoying warnings.
Personally, I wouldn't add anything and just block these warnings.
And of course they all make your computer about three times slower. It's ultimately up to you, and put this one, what you want.
The result is mostly the same.
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