You know it's Monday when...

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You know it's Monday when you wake up feeling like death and realize that vodka & redbulls + beer + tequila + all of that until 3am IS A BAD IDEA. At least when you have work the next day.

Never again.
You know it's monday when you are moving house, you have all your computer set up, however you forgot all the power cables at the old place.
Guess what.... it's monday in australia. Means it will be monday for you guys soon too.
Ah the first Monday morning where I haven't got anything other than "Food and Relax" maked in my day planner.
I'm going to start this Monday off reformatting my computer with a fresh reinstall of Vista and XP. Hopefully my bad luck with Mondays doesn't affect this.
You know it's Monday when you still feel hungover from Saturday night. Bottle of Stoli's mixed with a 4 pack of redbull, 6 pack of beer...Redbull is satan and tastes like a laser.
You know is Tuesday when you have client that will only talk to your clueless co-workers has she is the same ethnic group. However she has no interest in stooping down to talk me (the guy that know what he's talking about) even when she can perfectly understand English.

Absolute **** storm at work today.
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