Potentially the longest thread in history...

Doing the course up here would give me a waiver that I'd take down to the DMV, then I just have to pay the $20 or w/e to get a new license with the motorcycle attribute on the back.

Old friend of mine did it this summer I guess, and with no previous riding experience...passed both the written/riding exams, and bought a moto.

This is probably why Us mortality rates per mile is so much higher than countries with much stricter tests :p
It's annoying as hell but I do agree the test should not be easy. The only annoying and stupid part is having to do a general driving theory test (road laws etc) even though I already passed it for my car license and have 5 years driving experience.
This is probably why Us mortality rates per mile is so much higher than countries with much stricter tests :p
It's annoying as hell but I do agree the test should not be easy. The only annoying and stupid part is having to do a general driving theory test (road laws etc) even though I already passed it for my car license and have 5 years driving experience.
Who cares, let the idiots kill themselves.
This is probably why Us mortality rates per mile is so much higher than countries with much stricter tests :p
It's annoying as hell but I do agree the test should not be easy. The only annoying and stupid part is having to do a general driving theory test (road laws etc) even though I already passed it for my car license and have 5 years driving experience.

I mean you still have to pass both exams to get the waiver...and you're being taught properly by instructors / HiPos. My friend was originally just going to have one of his friends show him the basics, then he was going to take the tests at the DMV directly, but decided to go through the course because he didn't want his friend to forget to teach him something or pick up any of his bad habits.
Who cares, let the idiots kill themselves.

Certainly one way of retardation cleansing :lol:

okay changing the topic again...

Never in my life have I seen so much ****ing salt over anything as Trump being elected. People are protesting in most countries, UK included. What is their thought process ? UK government give zero ****s about your thoughts on Trump, and have no power to change it. And Trump gives zero ****s what some bunch of salty Brits give about him either. I hope he has ordered take out and just sat their watching TV laughing at them. I would.

The guy says and does some outrageous things but people are acting like it's the end of the world. Boo hoo, he'll do some good and he'll do some bad, and then in 4 years time you can kick him out and moan at someone else instead. It's funny how people are so concerned about Trump being US president, but next to no one seems to care, moan or protest about people like Putin who basically just does what he wants and stays in charge for as long as he wants, same for China, NK, and a bunch of other countries.

I follow Robert Scoble as he does some interesting tech news sometimes. But on Facebook, he is just being a pathetic crybaby. He said something along the lines of how it's such a disaster, a terrible day for the world, and how he's so sad and depressed. Talk about IMBYism. I bet he gave zero ****s about all these other countries with FAR more corrupt and screwed up people than Trump running them. But now because it's his country having a somewhat dodgy ruler is literally the end of the world. He also seems to be forgetting that if it wasn't Trump, you'd instead have Clinton. Not exactly a perfect role model is she. The list of dodgy **** and crime her family has commited could fill an encyclopedia.
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Certainly one way of retardation cleansing :lol:

okay changing the topic again...

Never in my life have I seen so much ****ing salt over anything as Trump being elected. People are protesting in most countries, UK included. What is their thought process ? UK government give zero ****s about your thoughts on Trump, and have no power to change it. And Trump gives zero ****s what some bunch of salty Brits give about him either. I hope he has ordered take out and just sat their watching TV laughing at them. I would.

The guy says and does some outrageous things but people are acting like it's the end of the world. Boo hoo, he'll do some good and he'll do some bad, and then in 4 years time you can kick him out and moan at someone else instead. It's funny how people are so concerned about Trump being US president, but next to no one seems to care, moan or protest about people like Putin who basically just does what he wants and stays in charge for as long as he wants, same for China, NK, and a bunch of other countries.

I follow Robert Scoble as he does some interesting tech news sometimes. But on Facebook, he is just being a pathetic crybaby. He said something along the lines of how it's such a disaster, a terrible day for the world, and how he's so sad and depressed. Talk about IMBYism. I bet he gave zero ****s about all these other countries with FAR more corrupt and screwed up people than Trump running them. But now because it's his country having a somewhat dodgy ruler is literally the end of the world. He also seems to be forgetting that if it wasn't Trump, you'd instead have Clinton. Not exactly a perfect role model is she. The list of dodgy **** and crime her family has commited could fill an encyclopedia.
I have a bunch of these snowflakes on my friends list on FB and it pisses me off. I've blocked basically 90% of the idiots whining publically like a ****ing huge asteroid is about to hit our planet.
There was a march in Paris while we were up the Eiffel tower :p lots of issjes roled into one march but yeah seems like a lot of people were protesting things that won't even impact them.
That said I thought the "why" was a pretty simple one to answer lol. The US is a democracy, allegedly powered by the people, and if enough people protest something it has a good chance of being changed. Tens of thousands of people in other countries supporting you can only help bolster local support. Russia and China are not democracies lol, at least not in any real sense at all.
I gotta say one concern that I do think they are right to be worried about is the climate change aspect. The US is the 2nd largest contributor towards global emissions iirc, and trump's just thrown away the protection plan there *and* is actively encouraging the development of coal/gas/shale oil. As in looks to likely be subsidizing their development and use. That *is* a global issue, because as much as trump says he cares about protecting "our" (aka murican) air/water, that's kinda not how that works -_-
Marches, demonstrations, and riots won't change who is the president. Basically it is all a temper tantrum because the new administration is not going to coddle folk or go along with the left's hair-brained agenda that the previous administration was hellbent on fulfilling.

As for coal/gas/shale oil, these can be utilized without killing the earth. We had already gotten coal cleaner than oil, plus we have loads of it which can decrease the need for other fossil fuels. The environment hasn't been forgotten but it is not the top item now. All the BS regulations that had been pushed out were killing businesses because they were too expensive for them to meet and adhere to at the present level of technology.

I hope our new prez does a good job. I seriously doubt he could do worse than what we have had for the past eight years.
You know, I was neither for Hillary or Trump, but now I'm a Trump supporter by default just because of how much it pisses off the snowflakes. It's like a giant troll play on the US.
Heh yeah I'm not that heavily invested :p he's fine as far as changes to the US go imo, I don't have to deal with that. But as far as it impacts the rest of the world (which it does in a large way, esp for Australia unfortunately) I'm a bit concerned while there's such a lack of details out.
This is what's currently on reddits front page for example, first official Whitehouse press statement lying about crap that doesn't even matter o_O like...why?

White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds - Jan. 21, 2017

Anyway, moving on :p today we explored Paris a bit more, climbed to the top of some huge church and went through the markets. I gotta say, the amount of literal **** piss and spit everywhere I wasn't prepared for :s ****in disgusting. Paris is by far the dirtiest city I've been to; despite the cool thing about it I'm definitely looking forward to leaving tomorrow.
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