Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Not that tall...

That tower is far more massive than it looks, base is 8 foot wide easily.

The base at my father's is the same all the way up. It goes 3 feet into the ground (concrete, not earth).

EDIT: You climbed this??? NICE!
Re: Today I have...

That tower due to local regulations has a 30 foot deep concrete base, thats about 15x15 foot in size, owner plans on another tower in 5 years thats 4 times as high, he plans on eventually starting a WISP to compete with the ignorant idiots here.
Re: Today I have...

I'm not afraid on heights really, just falling. E.g. far more scared when I've climbed 10 meters up a tree because if I **** up I die, than I am at the top of a tall rollercoaster.

Last night I dreamed I was in a relationship with this really attractive girl on facebook. The dream seemed to go on for ever, it was pretty epic. Somewhat depressing upon awakening and realizing it was all literally a dream though :p
Re: Today I have...

TIL noise reduction that analyzes 1000 neighbouring pixels for each pixel takes ~5mins per 24MP picture.
Re: Today I have...

Today I've been at work for about half an hour.

Drinking a cherry NOS.

Gonna try BitTorrent Sync again since Google Drive has no linux-native client (and InSync doesn't work as well as it should -- CONSTANTLY crashes. Grive works decently but doesn't have a sync component, just runs when I tell it to. Crontab would work, but that would only be at set intervals.)

Seven days left here, a day or two off, then I pack up and move out to Texas :tongue:
Going to Chicago this weekend with my wife, brother and his wife.
Any suggestions?
I've been there a few time so I've seen Navy Pier...Michigan Ave, had deep dish pizza.
I would like to check out something different.
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