WTB-US Old Enthusiast Hardware

PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas
I doomed myself by leaving my 98 rig back at the old apartment in 2012. I managed to keep my Voodoo 2 cards and the 6600GT Trotter sent me but unfortunately not the Raptors or my glorious SYBA PCI SATA card that ran natively with 98se.

Anybody have any old enthusiast hardware from way back in the day? Looking for Pentium 3 - Athlon XP stuff preferably with an AGP slot. I had an Abit NF7-S2 in my sights but it was sold before I got paid. If you have an old Raptor laying around that works good I'll take that too.

I'm asking for old **** here so let's be reasonable on pricing. Shipping probably costs more than the hardware is worth but I'm not looking for handouts. Got some cash to spend and a buddy scored me an old 19" 1280x1024 Dell LCD so want to get my old classics going again.
I might have stuff from around 2007 if you want...I'll give it for free, you can pay shipping or we could split that.
I might have a mb with agp, someone gave me some of his older stuff some time ago so I'll have to check.
I do know that I have a p35 with a q6600 and 8800gts
Honestly you can have it all, I kept it as a backup but I doubt I'll ever use it again
That's a bit too new really, but if you want to send it I'll take it. 76148 lmk the cost.

I'm talking 2000-2003 stuff. 1.3GHz Coppermine Pentium 3's, Athlon XP's, Athlon Thunderbirds, even a Duron 950 would be cool.
That's a bit too new really, but if you want to send it I'll take it. 76148 lmk the cost.

I'm talking 2000-2003 stuff. 1.3GHz Coppermine Pentium 3's, Athlon XP's, Athlon Thunderbirds, even a Duron 950 would be cool.

76148 ??? is this a code for something?
And yeah I figured it wasn't old enough, let me take a look at my storage this weekend and see what I have.
I thought you wanted old stuff? 90's stuff isn't all that old to me. I thought you meant old Tandy, Apple and IBM computers. That's the old stuff to me. LOL
Well I did say old enthusiast hardware akin to my initial sentence...

I doomed myself by leaving my 98 rig back at the old apartment in 2012. I managed to keep my Voodoo 2 cards
The Pentium 3 is 17 years old this year so in terms of computer tech that's old.
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