What is Dark Web, Deep Web & Dark Net?

Dark web/ dark net = staying anonymous e.g. TOR. There is a battle between criminals who try to hide on the web and law enforcement.

Deep web= some websites aren't searchable in search engine

Basically some websites aren't accessible to everyone. This is the deep web. This is because the websites aren't indexed by search engines, they may be password protected for security purposes, e.g. online banking sites within the account

Dark web = you can hide IP address and device fingerprint etc. criminals use this to avoid detection, also whistleblowers. But law enforcement are catching up .For example tor: https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en

Please note this is for educational purposes onlny
Mention links including https://lettoknow.com/what-is-dark-web-deep-web-darknet/ were helpful for me.
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Since Tor is a part of the DarkWeb, I think it would be okay if I ask something about Tor here.
Does anyone know if it's good to combine VPN and Tor? Does this mean I'll have a double layer of security?
Or maybe any bad sides?

Basically some websites aren't accessible to everyone. This is the deep web. This is because the websites aren't indexed by search engines, they may be password protected for security purposes, e.g. online banking sites within the account

Dark web = you can hide IP address and device fingerprint etc. criminals use this to avoid detection, also whistleblowers. But law enforcement are catching up .For example tor: https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en

Please note this is for educational purposes onlny

Dissidents, journalists, activists, many people who risk a lot daily in places that don't have what's taken for granted here (in the western "free" world) use it for privacy.

Lives depend on it. Smearing the entire project with "Criminals use it" and no context serves the same oligarchs that make it needed imo.
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