HIRING: java programmer

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Fully Optimized
I would like to hire someone who is knowledgable with JAVA
programming (not javascript) to write a JAVA program for me.
I am willing to pay you for the work you do. We can negotiate
payment before work begins. This is the objectives &
requirements of the program:

Deadline: June 1, 2004

This program will be receiving its input from the dialog box using the JOptionPane of Java. It will also use the same type box for output.
Prompt the user for their full name (first name then last) If there are no more names to read in, enter an x
•	Assume input is correct
•	Assume name is of this format
First space Last
e.g: Martin King and not Martin Luther King
No last names such as de La Rosa which have spaces

Prompt the user for three real number inputs and test that these values are in the
correct range. Assume they are numeric. Prompt user until input is correct.
1. Price of an item (Must be >=0)
2. Quantity of the item purchased (Must be >0)
Tax rate for purchase
Calculate the subtotal of the purchase by multiplying the price of the item by the quantity. Use the tax rate to calculate the total based on the subtotal.

The dialog box should look similar to this:
Customer Name:            Jones, Will
Item Price:               $2.25
Quantity:                 2
Sub Total:                $4.50
Tax Rate:                 10%
Total:                    $4.95

The important aspects of the output are:
•	Customer Name needs to be output Last Name comma space First Name
•	Item Price, Sub Total and Total need to be output in currency format
•	Tax Rate needs to be output in a percentage format

The dollar signs do not need to line up on the output. Just make them easy to read
This is to inform you guys this request is being fufilled. Emily thank you for the website link:


within minutes i had 20 offers. the website works like an aution, the programmers bid and make offers. i apparently over-estimated the cost. i was willing to pay $100, when some of these programmers were willing to do it for $15-20. i highly recommend this community.
man i wish i was part of this board when you posted. i would have done it for free ^_^
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