Visit the Archive of Misheard Lyrics

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Golden Master
I must confess to being one of those people who loves to sing along to songs and will often get part of the lyrics wrong. This may be due to the fact that it's a new song or I simply think my version sounds better. I'm sure lots of people do the same.
This brings me to a pretty neat site that someone recommended. The site is call kissthisguy and it is basically an archive of a lot of misheard lyrics. The site name is itself taken from a misheard line in the Jimi Hendrix song ‘Purple Haze' though there is a separate page explaining that this is a deliberate mistake by Hendrix.

Anyway, back to the site. You can browse for misheard lyrics by artist or song name. Lyrics are available from the old greats like Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and Elvis Presley to newer acts like Coldplay, Britney Spears, etc. The lyrics themselves are submitted by ordinary visitors to the site so it's not uncommon to find one song with ten misheard lyrics contributions by visitors.
Kisstheguy is purely for fun purposes but it actually has a bunch of stuff. To begin with, anyone can submit lyrics to the site. Site visitors can also vote on whether they think a particular song's lyrics are funny or not. The votes are compiled together to give you the 50 funniest song lyrics. The list is updated regularly so it keeps changing.
If you want, you can sign up for their ‘Lyric of the day' feature and you will receive a funny song lyric everyday, in your email inbox. Another great feature about this site is the iTunes connection. Every song on the site has a link to the iTunes page from where you can purchase the song. I don't have iTunes installed so I couldn't test this feature.
I quite liked the site. It is definitely worth visiting when you're feeling down or you have some time to kill and don't quite know what to do. Go check out the site and let me know if you found your favorite song's misheard lyrics.
A bit of trivia for you. When you mishear a word, it is called as a mondegreen. The term was coined by the author Sylvia Wright and has been used ever since.

Visit the Archive of Misheard Lyrics : Welcome To Tech-Dump
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