Version question

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Daemon Poster
When an OS or any other software comes out, it starts out in an Alpha state, then Beta> Is the next version called OEM or something different?

Usually after Beta comes the RTM stage, Release to Manufacturing or Release to Marketing. Then comes GA, General Availability, i.e. when it's in shops and people can purchase/download it.

However these are only common names and some companies use different terms, especially when there are user-tested betas like the Windows 7 release candidate.

Finally there is EOL, End of Life, when a product is no longer supported by it's developers.
It depends on the product. If you are talking about Windows then Yaki is a bit of.

Alpha stage is first, then Beta. But there can be 2 or more Beta stages. As present with Vista Beta or there could not be as seen with Windows 7.

After Beta comes Release Candidate. This has been seen in every Windows Beta as far back as i know. Including Windows 95 (AKA Chicago).

After RC comes RTM. Where they release it to OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and MSDN/TEchNET and Partners. Then comes GA.

IF it is a Microsoft product there is always a RC. It may not be generally available, but it is there. Office 2007 had one, was never made public but the official testers got it.
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