Security Vendor Kapersky Breached by Hacker

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Golden Master
Security Vendor Kapersky Breached by Hacker

A hacker busted into a Kapersky database using a “simple SQL injection” and got access to users, activation codes, bug lists, and all sorts of other information. He even posted some screen shots to substantiate his claims. Uh oh.

It claimed that a simple modification of a URL exposed the site's entire database. "Alter one of the parameters and you have access to EVERYTHING: users, activation codes, lists of bugs, admins, shot, etc." The screenshots showed the attack was focused on Kaspersky's technical support and knowledge base for the Americas. It included the names of more than 150 tables.
Can any one say owned?
Sorry but this is basic stuff all software has vulnerabilities but SQL injection is a basic form of attack / defacement of sites can you picture what would have happened if they thought it would be a good idea to replace ever page with the gotse pic? indeed. Pretty much ruins any confidence I had in kaspersky as a good antivirus company since apparently they can't protect themselves from a basic attack.
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