Regular Expression Coach

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Golden Master
Source: Regular Expression Coach

Regular expression can be used to identify strings of text. They are written in a formal language that looks hard to understand on first glance but follows strict rules. Most users associated regular expressions with programming languages and while this is surely a dominant area regular expressions are supported in text editors and other tools. One of the most popular is probably grep in the Linux operating system.
The Regex Coach is an excellent software program to learn regular expressions as it displays realtime results in its interface. The interface itself is divided into two display panes that contain the regular expression and the target strings. Below are tabs and buttons that provide additional functionality.
A user who wants to test a regular expression would enter it in the first column and add a target string in the second. The program automatically highlights the area of the target string that is matched by the regular expression. Any modification to the regular expression will automatically be visualized in the target string pane.
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