Photoshop Online Beta.

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In Linux it is alright. You must use Firefox. It is flash based so you will always get a denial if you use flashblock. It is basically a online storage. I was hoping to upload some .psd's and be able to modify them no matter which OS i was using. But no. IT is only to store your images.
In Linux it is alright. You must use Firefox. It is flash based so you will always get a denial if you use flashblock. It is basically a online storage. I was hoping to upload some .psd's and be able to modify them no matter which OS i was using. But no. IT is only to store your images.

Yeap it is for storage, but you can edit what you upload that's why I called it that way. You are right about psds, but it is still a Beta.
Meh why bother uploading a photo to edit it thought? Why not jsut edit it on your PC and save yourself the trouble? Seems like a pain to upload it jsut to edit it. This way it acts no different than Imageshack or Photobucket.

The edit might be useful to some. But i honestly dont see the point when you can get GIMP for free and use that to edit you pics. Meh. It at least looks decent. Hopefully they will add the ability to upload .psd's and edit them.
Yes I agree, it now stands for linux users, or windows users that do not have photoshop. It is something new though and rather innovative.
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