N64 Top 10

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1. Orcarina of Time/Goldeneye (I can't choose one over the other for the number one spot because they are both completely different games but both the greatest in their genre. Orcarina my be outdone soon by the next title in the series, Twighlight Princess[ Gay name, but sounds good anyways.] As for Goldeneye... Rare should have kept making the Bond games and kept EA Games out of it... EA has ruined it forever and will never make a game that can compete with Goldeneye.)

2. Super Smash Brothers ( Better on Gamecube... but back in the day when this game was new, I spent hours of my days beating the hell out of my friends and it was a revolutionary fighting game for Nintendo.)

3. Perfect Dark (I never owned this but I borrowed it and played the sh** out of it. Great Multiplayer too.)

4. Mario 64 (I hate this game to death now... but when I was younger, I loved it... but I got very sick of it after finally One-hundred percenting the game.)

5. Mariokart (Just a different kind of racing game where throwing turtle shells at your friends to pull ahead of them added to the fun.)

6. F-Zero (Ultimate racing game. Can't say much more about it... still can't believe I haven't bought GX for the Cube yet.)

7. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 (Personally my favorite of all of the Tony Hawk games. The soundtrack was kicka**, the goals were kicka**... Everything was kicka**. The other games are great... but you can't beat the original.)

8. Rush 2049 (My bad... This should be much farther up on the list, but it only just now whacked me in the back of my head. Stunt mode was fun as hell and spending hours against a friend trying to outdo them was great fun.)

9. Star Fox ( This could probably be a little higher too... also just thought of this one... great fun for a while and flying jets at your friends in MultiPlayer... great times....)

10. Well... actually I put two games in the number 1 spot... so that makes 10 total games... I can't really think of any other games worthy of putting on this list anyways... there are a lot I haven't played... but of the ones I have, these are the only ones worthy of being on a "Good Game" list.
1. ocarina of time
2. smash bros.
3. mario 64
4. majoras mask
5. golden eye
6. any of the mario partys
7. perfect dark

im really not sure how perfect dark would come before 007 but everyone is entitled to their own opinion i guess. ive always loved the 007 movies and the adaptation from the movie to this game was unbelievable. i mean you could watch the movie and have a good idea on what was going to come in the game and i liked it that way. an original plot as in perfect dark was good but it was so much..almost too much...like 007 it sucks a lot of the fun out. the only real difference was the secondary functions of some of the guns and the alien weapons. multiplayer added some fun with the sims but some of the levels they brought in were garbage.
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