My Soyo and I, tales of a failed relationship

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maybe I'm just in denial!?

My ex-friends, ex-girlfriend (yeah a lot of ex's lol) was a tweaker...she thought I was a tweaker because I've got a bad habit of clearing my throat...well, I basically only do it once I don't give a crap what the other person thinks, generally after I've known them a while, but she thought I was a tweaker because of that...apparently the tweakers do the same crap from the drug dripping back down their throat from snorting or from the crap coating their throat from smoking.....

I said, how the hell can you think I'm a tweaker when I weigh freakin 250lbs lol
My bad, It musta been late when I read that. I totally misunderstood what you said about the Raptor and the 7200. And then screwed up my response, I meant that its about 2 or more gigs for a buck. Oh well.

Nubius! Dont post anymore, you should just stay at 10k. Hang out with us dregs in OT more;). My post count has barely moved since I hit 500... drr obviously.. I havent ventured out much*. Got sick of dumb people and the same crap in hardware and whatnot.
FoxyLoxy said:
My post count has barely moved since I hit 500... drr obviously.. I havent ventured out much*. Got sick of dumb people and the same crap in hardware and whatnot.


Nubius, sit put while I go get a chinese finger trap so that you can't post anymore. I can hardly type....marching out in the freezing cold really stiffins up your hands....argh. A broken toe doesn't help any either....but that has nothing to do with typing....incase you didn't already know that.
Civil Air Patrol - Official Auxilary of the United States Air Force

I was drilling my squadron out on the cold, wet blacktop for about a hour before we went into the nice, warm pilots' lounge.
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