Microsoft Access/SQL Query

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Solid State Member
Hi guys,

Ok, so im over thinking things here I think.

My parnter works for a property firm and they currently hold all there client records on paper! Old skool! Lol!

My parnters boss' know im trying to beak into the IT world and have asked if could come up with a database solution to computerize there records.

Im thinking Microsoft Access will be the easiest option as it is a small compnay with maybe 3-5000 records to computerize. I know it will be "labour intensive" and involve a lot of data input.

So any pointers/thoughts? Where should I start my research? Should I charge and how much?

Im not asking for "handouts" here, I like to lear, just asking for some pointers on the best resource to start with!!

Thanks guys,

Ok, so im over thinking things here I think.

I think you're thinking too much. :lol:

Access should do all you want. Just try it. I believe they do (Mak, correct me) give out demos of the software. Try it, see if it will work for you.
While there are trials available, they will be limited in what they can do. But the real thing here is this. What do they want the database to be able to do?

I mean do they want it to be able to search by just a name? Term? Location? Key Words? Are you going to be available to answer any questions they might have about the database on the drop of a dime? What kind of back up plan do you have? What if the database gets corrupted?

Yeah it may seem like I am over thinking this, but the fact is their job relies on this information. They need it instantly and without fail. So such things need to be addressed from the start. Cause if you cant offer a full proof alternative, then why should they risk having you do this when the system they have in place works. It maybe slower but at least they can get their job done.

So really the question comes in how familiar are you with databases? How comfortable are you with building one from scratch and supporting it full time? If you cant give a 110% full positive and enthusiastic YES to all the above, then you should really re-consider messing with people livings. Cause if the system fails, they will look to you to fix the problem ASAP if not sooner. They could also come after you to cover the cost of them losing business cause of the failure. So you have to be prepared for everything.

I would most certainly not look into even doing this if you are not at all familiar with any database or database software. Any idiot can take a bunch of paper files and input them into a PC. But being able to use that information when needed and how needed is what is important. This is the whole purpose of a database. I should be able to just input anything into the search box and come up with results. Since it is a property based business, lets say I input a location and the terms "Flood Risk". I should get results for both terms and not just the location.

So you certainly need to ask your some questions. Cause you are messing with people income that they rely on to pay bills. That is not something to take lightly just cause you wanna break into the IT world.
what do the records contain? inventory? sales? customer data?

we can lead you towards vendors that specialize in these types of applications. if there is no budget, we can lead you to open source tools that can speed the process.

also, how are the records kept now?
Microsoft Access 2010 is amazing for databases. They have more wizards and tools in that program than all of the other Microsoft Office 2010 programs combined. It can do a ton of things that would make any business proud. You can also get a free trial of Microsoft Office 2010 Professional edition which includes the full version of Microsoft Access 2010. Hope this thread isn't too outdated. :)
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