Issue that I cannot resolve with a user


Beta member
We deploy standard image of windows XP sp3 and for some reason this user has an issue on his dell e6420 (a standard laptop we deploy) where windows will not save anyone who has cached profiles desktop settings unless they log off the computer. If you happen to restart or shut down from your desktop the settings will revert back to whatever it was the last time that user logged off the computer. So it seems windows is not running the save script when it goes through the restart process since logging off remotely I can see it saving the current settings.

Has anyone encountered this issue? I would like to avoid having to reimage his machine and transferring his data but if I have to then I suppose I will.

Typical registry entries are normal (nosavesettings, desktop permissions ect..) the user has admin rights to the laptop as well and no errors are reporting in any event logs.

Also I have attempted to create a new profile with no avail as this effects everyone on the computer and not just a specific profile.
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