I did something stupid...

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apply pressure to the wound. then see a doctor about gettin ur foot patched up ;)

get it? (you shot yourself in the foot *chuckle*)
real post:

i would just keep troubleshooting and if it gets too bad maybe try and open it up? ive never used a PB150 but you can usually take stuff like that out somehow.

on the other hand, why do you think that your computer is locking up. you may want to try and blow dust out of the fans and maybe doing this somewhere cold. maybe it is overheating.

you'll find a way :)
PowerBook 150 was pretty lame. Are you sure it meets the requirements for Linux? This might be why it locks up.

120-250mb hd
max 40mb RAM

Check around the floppy insert. There should be a small hole off to one side. Try straightening out a paperclip and shove it in there. It should spit it right out.
reformat the DRIVE to RAW data format using WDCLEAR.
Then, (this is the part I don't know) you have to find some type of program/utility that will format the partition to an HFS (MAC's file system).

that's all I could tell ya for now.
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