floorstanding speakers

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what are a good pair of floorstanding speakers for around $200-$300? the ones I have tried are the Pioneer SH453FK. they sound good (actually, really good) , but there is no low-end punch. i have heard the Athena Technologies Audition AS-F1 are good, but when i listened to them at Best Buy they didn't sound good at all & the bass sounded weak.

i keep thinking that maybe i didn't listen to them well enough and should go back & listen again. does anybody else have some recommendations on floorstanding speakers for around $200-300?
yeah the polks are good. i have the center channel CSi3 in my 5.1 setup and it sounds amazing. if I turn up the volume past 50-60% on my Sony DE595 it sounds like Christina Aguilera is singing right in my room. The R50's look good and are $450 a pair, but i am not sure if dual 6.5" woofers can pack enough bass. i should see if i can listen to them at my local stores. thanks for the link Inaris, BTW what do you use for your front main speakers?
I have a very special setup. I obtained a pair of High end Digital Theater speakers for $700, off a truck. They have 500 watt 12" woofers with a full range set of speakers back up to the tweeter. Unfortunatly, I can never turn them up as the apartment I live in is on the top floor and the other tenants get annoyed at the shaking it causes.

Before I got those, I was using the RT/8 units with a PSW505 sub woofer. They were AWESOME! But the units I have now are much better, so I sold them to my brother in law.
Not a scam. They check out. I actually priced them before I bought them. $2500 a piece from the store. The guy showed up outside looking a little lost. I asked him if I could help him and we started talking. Seems that the contract (performing arts center) that he was working on had bought a few too many speakers. Problem was that the way the contract was written, they were cut a huge discount on the speakers, nearly to cost. He figured that they wouldn't mind if he made a buck and so he offered me a deal. I was thinking this was too good to be true, so I asked for the documentation, and looked them up. Went to the shop that sold them, and was pleasantly surprised.
After I had taken a look, I decided it sounded ok, so I hoped on the deal. Have not looked back since, except when I hear a siren...
I was going to send you the model info last night, but got a little side tracked. I'll try to remember to do it today...
Inaris you definately got scammed man. those speaker you bought are worth less than $100 US dollars. please look at the link i gave you. this is the way they work. they have been selling basically the same story to everybody. that somebody ordered the wrong stuff so they have an overstock and want to get rid of the speakers. they do this across the country. they have scammed many people.

Inaris, you got SCAMMED man. you do not have what you think you have. they re-label their speakers and tell you its worth thousands of dollars, AGAIN read the replies from the forum in my link.
Ok, so i spent some time looking into these articles. One thing that I keep having trouble with is that they all say it was a white van/truck... The guy that I got them from was in a company vehicle (logo on the side) and works at the store where the speakers in questions came from. I check last night.
The speakers that I'm refering to can be found at this site. Looks like they come from Germany or somthing.

Anyway, the model is Line 212-6
I feel for all of the guys that got scammed, but I don't think I did. The speakers have everything that they should, and no where do I see any sign of something miss leading.
I hope there was not a scam involved here, as I would hate to have to mame some poor kid, <21 years old.
well if you read both threads from both those links i gave out they mention it is not always a white van. sometimes its a truck like those ford F250 (or whatever its called). pickup trucks, any kind of a vehicle that can carry the speakers. you did buy this right off a vehicle right, right on the spot?

also Inaris you should have also picked up on the fact they do not sell just 1 kind of speaker, they sell various brands and bookshelf speakers as well as floorstanding. also please understand they use different (but similiar) stories everytime. its always the basic "we need to get rid of this crap because or some ordering error". why would they sell something to you for that much if they could easily get more money from it legitamitly? your story is too similiar to be a coincidence. i beleive 100% you got scammed Inaris.
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