F.E.A.R Patch 101 Out - 21Mb

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The Patch includes updates and optimizations necessary for the multiplayer version of F.E.A.R. Full patch notes below:

* Fixed a problem where players could fall under the map after pressing ESC while climbing a ladder.
* Fixed a bug where water FX would play where there was no water in the "Heavy Resistance" level.

* Fixed the Game Type filter on the server browser screen.
* Fixed broken ladder animations.
* Spectator "Fly" mode now works as intended.
* SlowMo Score Time is now reported through the in-game server browser for SlowMo CTF games.
* Fixed a problem where players would sometimes spawn into Team Elimination games as a neutral player.
* Team Elimination servers will no longer advance to the next round if you are the first to join and then switch teams.
* Dead players will no longer win the round in Elimination game types if they have the highest score when time runs out.
* The score tally on the HUD now works properly in all Elimination game types.
* Remote clients can no longer log into SCMD on hosted games as original intended. SCMD still works as before on dedicated servers.
* The weapon of the player you are watching will no longer appear on the screen when using the "Follow" spectator mode.
* Fixed problem with grenades getting stuck on or bouncing off of breakable windows in certain levels.
* Further optimized performance and fixed minor lighting and art bugs in the Streets CTF level.
lol I just posted about this patch in the other fear thread...it's pretty pathetic they need to release a patch the same day as the game is released
gaara said:
lol I just posted about this patch in the other fear thread...it's pretty pathetic they need to release a patch the same day as the game is released
At least they are responding to it and getting a patch out quickly.

I an think about a few other games where the dev just simply forgot about it, or took forever to get the patch out or simply pulled the plug on the support for the product all together.
*cough* bf2 *cough*

It took them 3 patches to get it right.

*EDIT* Hopefully they will eventually release a FEAR patch that allows it to play decently on ATI hardware....from the looks of it it seems like all FEAR is is a tech demo to sell Nvidia cards.
yeesh, I saw this thread and thought 'A FREAKIN PATCH ALREADY!?'

*EDIT* Hopefully they will eventually release a FEAR patch that allows it to play decently on ATI hardware....from the looks of it it seems like all FEAR is is a tech demo to sell Nvidia cards.
have you even looked for some benches for FEAR that use a variety of cards or are you simply going off your own cards performance.

I don't see how could call it a tech demo, I swear I almost see you say that to any game that doesn't seem to play well with your X800Pro.....

This one actually has decent game play and premise to it....Doom3...now THATS a tech demo...same repetative garbage over and over again
Nubius said:
yeesh, I saw this thread and thought 'A FREAKIN PATCH ALREADY!?'

Yeah, some of the fix me up where kinda lame and I am surpise they did not notice them during beta testing.

* Spectator "Fly" mode now works as intended.
* Dead players will no longer win the round in Elimination game types if they have the highest score when time runs out.
Well, Duh.......
* Fixed problem with grenades getting stuck on or bouncing off of breakable windows in certain levels.
I am tempt not to put the patch on so I can see this.
lol getting stuck on or bouncing off breakable windows, nice.

It's like when Soldier of Fortune 2 first came out....there was a level where as the terrorists you started near your helicopter on the heli pad...the blades were rotating on the helicopter...if you threw a knife at where the blade connect it'd stop it from spinning :p

Ahh those were the good ole days
SoF 2 is so rediculous.... the gore alone made me vomit. (ok, not really VOMIT, but you get the drift.)
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