Different settings for monitor and tv

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I've connected my pc to my tv through the s-video out on my video card. It is set to clone mode. Is it possible to have different settings for my monitor and my tv? Whenever I try to change the resolution for the tv, it automatically changes the resolution on the monitor. I'm trying to get everything big enough to see on the tv while still fitting everything on the screen and also not affecting the settings of the monitor. I'm really a novice so any help is appreciated.
It will not work like that in Clone Mode

Think of what would happen if they were different resulutions, different icons would be in different places.

If you were to doubble click, you may have clicked on IE on your screen, but it's clicking on recycle bin icon on your TV
Thanks for the info. What would be your suggestion for the best way to set up this configuration then? I'm pretty sure that I've tried the extended desktop with no results also.
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