Assassin's Creed Black Flag


Just a question about the up and coming Assassin's Creed Black Flag.....
my girl friend has been looking at this game as possible thing to play next after she finishes Skyrim (yes, she is about to finally finish it)

Anyways, in order to play and enjoy Assassin's Creed Black Flag, do you need to have played the Assassin's Creed games? Or it's is some thing that is a good stand alone.
You wouldnt want to do that anyways. It would take forever and lots of money you dont want to spend. You could always look up general outline videos of each game if you want to get caught up.

I would say its necessary to pick up the story, they didn't do any backstory in the last two to inform new players, from what I can remember. Don't take my word on that. The concept is simple tho.

Each games gameplay gets better. If you're looking for something fun to play I wouldn't even bother with the first two. But they had awesome stories. All the games are interconnected, you're basically just using different people and different time periods from the main characters lineage.

I would say get the last one they made, catch up with youtube up to that point, have fun with your game get used to controls and how the game works, then jump into black flag educated and experienced with the controls and system. They are fun games great story and fresh gameplay.
It depends. If all she is interested in is free roaming as an 18th century pirate, then no. But if she really wants to get into the story, history, lore, etc, then I would highly recommend looking into the other games before playing Black Flag, because without doing so she'll be lost during the 2012 missions.

The first three can be found for under $10, and the last two no more than $20-$30 at this point. The reason I say so is because the game tells a simultaneous story - it's basis is upon a person in the present day using a device that allows him to relive the memories of his ancestors, the assassins.

The whole purpose of this was the idea of the world ending in 2012, and it becomes a race against time to search through his ancestors DNA and memories for clues as to how the impending doom can be stopped. While the historical stories following the assassins are good and interesting in their own way, the current day storyline is actually the central focus and the one story that continues from one game to the next.

Technically, if she wanted to play through all of the games she could as long as she just focuses on the main storyline. These games are pack with side quests which can extend gameplay another 20-30 hours; the main story itself shouldn't take longer than 10-12 at most in each game. If she goes this route, that's plenty of time to finish before AC4 releases. My girlfriend is doing the same thing right now - she recently finished the first game and is a little over halfway through AC2 at this point. Worst case scenario, I would at the very least go to YouTube and watch the important story moments from each of the previous five games.
I would say skip AC1as it is pretty god awful. It is the same thing over, and over and over again. The story is great though, but as said above, could be Youtubed. AC2 is friggin fantastic. It takes the idea of AC1 and improves on it , drastically I will add, in every way. Haven't played AC3 but have heard mainly good things.

Personally I would say play them all. They are a ton of fun.
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