Advanced Linux 3D Graphics Programming

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Golden Master
The author provides information on how to program 3D graphics in X-Windows rather than the OpenGL/GLUT standard. The end result tends to be over-achiever code, which can be hard to follow due to the lower level coding nature of X11.In X11, its just too much code to do some stupid task like draw a few polygons in a window. You could cut the code almost in half by using OpenGL/GLUT, which is a much higher language style of coding than X11 is. Not to mention that the author goes overkill with the OOP implementation and more advanced C++ programming (the author makes an emphasis on C++, yet all his code contains no real definitive C++ architecture, its all regular C based, ex: scanf/printf instead of cout/cin).
Also, readability is an aspect definately not visible in the author's code. Lack of appropriate commenting & lack of appropriate simplicity in coding style makes the author's code somewhat ordane and hard to follow. Unless you have a good background in OOP then this book will simply confuse you to no end. Not that OOP is that hard or a bad thing, but it gets pretty complex fairly quickly, ESPECAILLY when your working with a GUI.
However, the author does provide a good array of the mathematics involved in the creation of 3D graphics, which is vital to be able to understand what your doing. As a prior VRML programmer, I could immediately tell that the author was going on a good track to explain some of the mathematics involved.

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