7 year old found with crack lol...

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i wasn't alive back when if you were out of line in school u got hit by a ruler but when i stepped out of line i got belted by my parents.
anybody else know what peach tree branches are good for besides growing peaches?
stingin your as*. thats right.

Yup. I have had my hind parts warmed with belts, switches, wooden spoons, ping pong paddles, hot wheel track (that stuff hurts) and various other implements of destruction. Deserved every one too. There's a huge difference between a spanking and a beating. I've had both. Deserved them too. My kids have rarely been spanked even though Tennessee says it's just fine to do that. All it takes is one time them telling somebody and DHS is at your door.
i would proceed to beat them, too at that point. lol.
as you say...HUGE difference between a spanking and a BEATING. i got spanked when i was little and acted up (personally, my least favorite implement was the flyswatter...ouch, when you started having hair on your legs it ripped it out...garrrrr), i got a beating (well, more than one lol) when i would go out in austin, drink too much, and talk sh*t to a group of frat boys.
I threatened to call child protective services once....once. My mother noted that by the time they got to the house, they would have a reason to take me :( Also, my mother claims that i once raised my hand at her, i dont remember, i'm guessing the memory of that day was beaten out of me.
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