6600 GT and Far Cry

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Fully Optimized
Ok guys. After reading threads posted by a lot of you guys, I am getting the impressiont that the 6600 GT and Far Cry have problems with each other. Is this really the case?. I know lots of ppl have 6600 GT, so maybe the people that are posting are a small percentage.

I was thinking of getting the 6600 GT, but these problems concern me. :confused: .. Hopefully, it's just bad programming by the Far Cry guys and not something to do with the card.. :confused:
It sounds like driver problems most likely. I know when I first got my X800, i was having awful driver problems with Far Cry. In time though, ATI got them worked out. I imagine Nvidia will do the same.
Hey man. Are you from Alaska or something??.. (on account of you funny avatar :p).. But, AR = Arkansas right?
didnt somone post in another one of these farcry threads that the farcry 1.1 patch fixed the water problem?
Once you intsall the 6600 GT, just flash it with the lasted update. I would think that would desolate any future problems.
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