Recent content by shone

  1. S

    Help trouble shooting my uber gaming PC.

    ok yes I have taken the time to famirize my self with this stuff. what i ment when i said nothing happens is that I dont see any sort of bios or "welcome to intel" or anything at all to implie its an actual computer ;) the only thing is that it dosent say it not conected to any thing. I'm...
  2. S

    Help trouble shooting my uber gaming PC.

    Its the..... "desktop board D925XCV" dose that help? And I mean when I turn it on conected to a moniter nothing happens no dos or bios or any sort of basic programing.
  3. S

    Help trouble shooting my uber gaming PC.

    I am building a pc for scratch an can't get the Bios up and running. i can't seem to get it running so I'm running throgh some computer fourms for helpful gurus ;) other info is that the hard drive seems to work fine, the power button only turns the comp on but I need to turn off the power...
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