
My husband and I own a tech-based marketing company called Spectra Marketing Solutions. We provide business solutions including web development, graphic design, printing, audio/video presentations, mobile marketing, event management, etc.

I am also the creator and co-founder of the Chirt (a uniquely-awesome, patent-pending custom office chair cover available in many fun colors and patterns). This is our second family business called ChairWear Fashion.

Occasionally, I'll work as a promotional model representing brands like Nintendo, HTC, Chevy, Buick, T-Mobile, LG, Verizon, CoverGirl, Budweiser, and many more!

I am a happy wife, new mom to an adorable boy, and we all live in Florida with our 4 cats. Life is fun. I enjoy technology and the Internet very much. I am an organizational genius with a HUGE affinity for office supplies. I LOVE office supplies. And cupcakes. I also have a lot of books. And I fall asleep playing games on my iPad occasionally.

Marketing Professional, Branding, Travel, Food, Music, TV, Gadgets, Pinterest, design,officesupplies
Tampa Bay, Florida
First Name
Location | City or Town
Creator, ChairWear Fashion
Pre-Built or Self Built
Pre-Built Manufacturer
Sony; Apple
Operating System
Windows 7; MacOSx (Snow Leopard)
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