Recent content by Christoffer

  1. C

    Microsoft No Longer Recommends MSE

    I've been using MSE for the past 5 years now and I am very satisfied with it. However it has been crashing lately on my laptop. I am sure it will get solved if I do a re-installation. The reason I don't like a lot of the AV's available is because they typically slow the performance of my...
  2. C

    Best Laptop within My Budget?

    Alright, As I said. Ubuntu works fine if you are only going for Minecraft. But as it was mentioned earlier in this thread you can go for a clean installation of Windows if there comes a key with the computer.
  3. C

    Best Laptop within My Budget?

    What games are you playing? Only Minecraft or other games aswell, which ones exactly? The reason I ask is because if you only play minecraft and steam games you could always install Ubuntu on the laptop. It's free and does not require that much of your computer.
  4. C

    So any win7 users switch to win 8.1?

    I know. But that would be the only reason why I would make the upgrade I think. My latest experience with Windows 8 was not too good.
  5. C

    So any win7 users switch to win 8.1?

    I would consider upgrading to a version of windows 8 without the metro-part. But as long as it stays, I will be keeping my windows 7.
  6. C

    Compress PDF Documents

    Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
  7. C

    Compress PDF Documents

    Yes. You just have to install Winrar: Have to tried the link I posted?
  8. C

    Compress PDF Documents

    You could always compress it as a zip-file? Also, checkout this link:
  9. C

    So any win7 users switch to win 8.1?

    I am currently using Windows 7 on my desktop and I am happy about that. Windows 8 is not really doing the job for me. The boot-time is great but when it comes to using the OS it gets clumsy. To me it looks like a mash up of two systems which would work great separately as two individual...
  10. C

    Linux OS

    I find Ubuntu the best if you are looking for an aesthetic OS. For the functionality I find Linux Mint very pleasing. The looks are very similar to Windows and it has got all the standard features and plugins. I would go for functionality over looks. I find Ubuntus Unity interface a bit laggy.
  11. C

    Microsoft No Longer Recommends MSE

    I guess that could be an explanation why MSE seems to keep crashing on my PC?
  12. C

    Need help to remove babylon search

    You should be able to remove it from the Addon section of Mozilla Firefox. If not, try to reinstall Mozilla Firefox. That should fix the problem.
  13. C

    Free Wallpapers and avatars.

    Is it possible for you to make me an avatar/profile picture for the forum? I was thinking about some orange and white colors. Some computer-inspired look and also my name on it.
  14. C

    Best Laptop within My Budget?

    Just as Ipwn mentions it is difficult to find a gaming laptop for under 1000$. My advice would be to either save up money for a laptop with higher specs or simply make the best with what you've got right now. My experience with Minecraft tells me that no high-spec computer is needed. Go for a...
  15. C

    Is it usefull to use a certain DNS?

    This morning I was Googling tips on how to make the internet run smoother on your computer. I found several articles claiming that using a certain DNS would help solve the problem of a slow internet connection. Have any of you guys any experience regarding DNS or any solutions regarding slow...
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