You know it's Monday when...

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Monday..... I just spent last night sleeping on my parent's sofa as my god father came up to visit last night. The sofa is great for sitting on, not for sleeping on. I should of spent last night sleeping on the floor instead.
You know that it's monday when come into you work and noticed that not only did your computer not shut down as you were leaving on friday, but now there is a burn in mark as your wallpaper and the windows error message on why it did not shut down last week.
(so glad that I don't actually own this monitor)

you know its monday when you live in australia and it is sunday in texas

Arn't I the little black cloud on your otherwise sunny sunday afternoon.
yes because i know monday is coming thanks to you


I get some satification that I am not the only one suffering here.
I woke up at 10:30, played some WoW, went to the beach, went out to dinner, came home, played WoW.

pretty good Monday for me.
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