You know what really grinds my gears?

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MTV, What happene to the music? its all just Reality TV
Long Line at the ATM
People stealing my DVD-R's
People who think CDs and DVDs are the same thing.
All the idots at work.
All new music.
Installing OSes 4 times in one day on my laptop.
Idiots who think they're right about something without reasoning why they are right or listening to why they might be wrong.

someone i go to college with thinks a Q6600 runs at 9.6Ghz clock because its 2.6 x 4 (supposedly)

in fact, ill settle with just saying Idiots grind my gears.
So your saying you dislike that genre of "metal" or metal in general.

Adding to my list:
People that say that beer is awful.
People who like Corona.
People who don't clean their rooms.
South African accents my English teacher has one.

No, I love Metal. Especially Death Metal. I just don't like how their are so many psuedo Metal bands out there today.
when people let their dogs take a crap on your lawn, then you chase them down to make them pick it up
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