Win7 Run As Admin For Control Panel Programs and Features?

office politics

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I usually perform a switch user to install or change software on my machine. I'd like to avoid this if possible. The article below is the situation but their solution doesn't work for me. They say launch cmd as admin and run control appwiz.cpl. However, I still have problems uninstalling or changing software. Others in the comments on that article describe the same problems. DO you know of another way to do this?

Launching Windows 7 Control Panel Applets with Administrative Permissions | | Pearson IT Certification
powershell can do it. does anyone know of a faster way to find software other than wmi query? wmi is dog slow.

copy this to powershell ise and press f5. use wildcards when entering software parameter.



if ($action -eq 'Remove') {
    Invoke-WmiMethod -name Uninstall -inputobject (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Product | where {$PSItem.Name -match $software})

    Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Product | where {$PSItem.Name -match $software}

} else {

    Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Product | where {$PSItem.Name -like $software}

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