what was my serial number???

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Daemon Poster
I have several copies of win XP all with their own serial number, all perfectly legal and I would like to keep it that way.

The thing is they have single user licences and i dont know which serial numbers are currently being used. Is there a way from within windows to find out what serial number was used for the install or am i going to have to take a lucky guess?

oh yeah i forgot about the view xp key lol
my bad about the lucky guess

i used to use the view xp key myself haha

EDIT: i check the thing, and my serial key that is showing from the software isn't my ACTUAL serial key
if they are dell's, or many other PC manufacturers other than your own it's gonna be that way
ya they probibly dupe those hds instead of 'stallin stuf on every thing cause that would get way old way fast.
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