Is there a way to drag/drop and re-arrange open tasks in the task bar?

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Fully Optimized
A feature I really love in my home OS is I can click and drag on open tasks at the bottom, mostly because although I hate them to be grouped, I do like certain things to be in order. aka - buddy list is 1st, then thunderbird is 2nd, media player is 3rd, etc.

Can you do that in XP/Vista/7? Is there a way to drag them around and arrange them the way you want?
In Win7 you can place the icons in the super bar in any order you want. So you can have them in the order you want. For XP/Vista you would have to open them in that specific order that you want. They dont allow you to just move them around.
Yes as Mak said, but for XP and Vista you can always use RocketDock or XWindowsDock for organizing your task bar.
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