Spool32/Kernel32 error

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I've got Win98SE and I'm running into this error upon startup and installation of my HP printer. I've tried multiple solutions to no avail involving Norton AntiVirus and Outlook, .tmp files and .spl files, HP drivers and setup wizards but nothing has worked so far.

My printer was hooked up via network but is no longer installed so I can't use any solutions involving changing the spool settings in the printer properties.

This is my last ditch effort to fix the problem without reinstalling. Any ideas?
I think I have had the same problem (isn't fixed by the way, but I by-passed it).
Is this error pops-up after windows starts..?
It comes up right after windows loads and before the network password prompt. I've had it come up while loading files in File Maker Pro also.

How did you bypass this?
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