Server 03 - Multiple Instances of a Program

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Bake a Pretty Cake!
Alright guys/Mak,

Windows Server 2003
I have a program that is built to only allow one instance to be ran at a time. If I try to open it again, it just maximizes the one that's already running and says "Already running".

My solution on XP (non-domain) was to use fast-user switching and open it on multiple accounts. This does not work for Server 03, and I can only have up to 2 simultaneous remote sessions open.

"Run As..." with a different user account does not work - the program is smarter than that, and does the same thing as if I tried to reopen it the normal way.

I found a program called Sandboxie. I opened the program in multiple sandboxes. This worked (very nicely I might add) when I tested it in XP, but unfortunately, the VPS I am remoting to with Server 2003 does not allow driver installation, and Sandboxie has it's own driver (or something like that).

I'm out of ideas.
Anyone got another one that I haven't tried yet?

Edit: The server does not have enough RAM to run multiple VM's
Also, by multiple, I mean I need more than two running at a time... like 8.
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