Parent looking for ways to track tech smart child.

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this is exactly why some kids kill. because they are giving too many rights. we didn't have privacy when we were kids. if we would have, we would done some crazy stuff like these kids do

we got our privacy when we got our our own place to stay

NetNanny will log all the sites the kids are visiting, so if little Joey is looking on the web for tips on how to make explosives then you will know exactly what he's doing. I don't see how being a voyeur into troublsome 16 year old is going to help or exaclty what it is your going to achive unless you suspect them of being involved in criminal activity, and if thats the case then I think you should get the police involved as they can deal with anything like that much better than you can. If you hack your childrens account you will jeapardise your relationship with them, and for the record your parents didnt listen into every converstaion you had with your freinds which is what this individual wants to do.
Plain and simple the facts are this.

Vista and Win7 have Parental Controls which will do ALL of this for you. Invest in Win7 and use this option. I already talked about NetNanny and OpenDNS.

Windows doesnt provide a keylogger. They provide parental controls which give you a detailed layout of the information that you want to know. Where the account under these controls goes, what it does and so on. There is no such thing as a Microsoft approved Keylogger. If there was everybody in the world would be up in arms suing Microsoft to no end.

You want to protect the kids, TALK to them. Put controls on the PC using the information provided and let them know that giving out personal information on the internet is a bad thing to do. No matter how much you try to control the kids, it will make them work that much harder to find a way around it.

You may think that talking to them doesnt do any good, but it doesnt hurt to try. If you cant get through, take away the PC. If they want to communicate with friends, there is still telephones out there along with good old face to face conversations. There is only so much that can be done while sitting on the side spying on them.

since this topic is getting way off course, it has to be closed. We are not here to give parenting advise nor to make judgements on why people do the things they do.
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