New Windows Vista Hotfix

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Again you state Janurary. They state 1st Quater. Which is a 3 month span. So you are expecting Jan when they have not planned Jan.

Your first article says nothing from a source at M$. They just talked about it Supposed to be released. There was no source at M$. As for Mary Jo. She is just as bad as Paul Thurrott. She talks all this stuff about what M$ is supposed to do with no real evidence of anything. The article i linked to is a direct quote from M$. The ones you linked to are just articles written by people who claim to have sources at M$.

So again i state that M$ themselves did not state SP1 would be out this year. All the other articles are jsut talk. There was no evidence from any M$ rep in them. Just as we are talking now. That is what those articles were doing. They had no real evidence.

No i am not Steve Balmer. But i am in the MVP program and have much info that is not available to the public. I can not talk about this stuff cause of a NDA.

They did Vista itself in under 2 years. Just like every other OS. Codename Longhorn was a totally different code base and based off a totally different kernel. When Vista hit Beta 1 back on July 27, 2005 is when they officially stated the real coding for what we see today. Since it was released in Nov of 2006 they did it in less than 2 years. All the stuff you see about Longhorn. Not Vista. 2 Different OS's. Not anything is the same aobut them. So they didnt have all that time to code Vista since everyone was in a huff about them taking 5 years to release a new OS. They got one out in under 2 years. That is why it has had problems. If people would have shut their yaps and let M$ work. Then they would have released a product people would have liked. Then again everyone is in a huff cause of the hardware requirements anyways.

So you see. I may not be Steve Balmer. But i do know the difference between the Codename Longhorn builds and the Vista Beta builds. They are not the same OS nor are they even the same coding. They barely even have the same features. There is barely anything in any of the Longhorn builds that has survived to live in Vista. I do know my info about the betas as i have almost all of them and have used them at one point or another.

As i said. I am not ****ed off about the OS. I use it. I am ****ed at people who talk all this stuff about Vista.

Also as a side note. These patches are only for the RTM version of Vista. They are already included in the SP.
Well, I'll just end my side of this by saying that everyone is entitled to an opinion. Unless you were a major part of the planning or coding of Vista, you really shouldn't be that upset by my little opinion. If my original short and exaggerated comment upsets you that much, maybe you'd better take a break and go on a computerless vacation or something before you have a stroke or heart attack.

And for the record, I like Vista.
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