Kaspersky internet security 2009 question

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Gee Wally

In Runtime
Anyone who uses this software, are you having issues with it updating since yesterday afternoon and today? Please let me know.

Mak, I just tried using antivir as my anti-virus program and that is not updating in win 7 either. All was working fine with Kapsersky until yesterday afternoon. Any ideas why my ani-virus programs aren't updating? Please let me know.

Could be many things. Could be something with your internet settings. Could be something blocked by your firewall. Without seeing every aspect fo yoru setup i can not know for sure.

If I can provide you with reports with the errors from Kaspersky and Antivir would that help you possibly in determining what is going on? Please let me know.

I doubt it would. I dont know how to read their error reports and i dont know if i could. You would be better off going to their support forums and asking there.
Anyone who uses this software, are you having issues with it updating since yesterday afternoon and today? Please let me know.


I have a friend who use the activation code to activate the software and the code is brand new. but when he activated it the expiry date is only left 10 months. What could be the problem?
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