Do offline files last... infinitly??

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Say I have a laptop with my documents folder mapped to the server at work. So instead of C Documents and Settings Jayce etc, it's \\my\work\server\jayce, however offline files are enabled.

If I leave work and don't come back for 6 months, will the files still reside in a cached formation on my laptop and re-synchronize once I come back 6 months from then? Or is offline files just supposed to be a quick and dirty way to keep productivity in motion if a network issue occurs?
I don't mean to ask a dumb question but I noticed you linked me to a Vista page. Is XP and Vista the same in terms of offline files?

I would assume yes, but just in case I figured I'd ask.

Thanks again, Mak.
Yes it is the same. It has been the same since Offline Files became a option. I only linked to that topic cause it gave that information. The old XP articles that i found do not. They only give you info on how to access them.
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