Disk have to be checked?

Battal Gazi

In Runtime

REcenlt my vista pc shows some errors.

While opening, after loading windows, it says "disk have to be checked, press any key in 10 seconds to cancel."

But mostly i cant hit any button because my keyboard are not working at that time. 3-4 times i could press but after that, my pc restarted.

chkdsk comes %40 normally 2/3, but then it goes into infinite loop. It writes like that.

Gözdengeçirme olurken %40a kadar iyi geliyor, sonra sonsuz döngüye giriyor,

deleting identify 9 index #sdh array with 2 identify

deleting identify 9 index #sdh array with 3 identify

deleting identify 9 index #sdh array with 4 identify

It goes until 10000s. I couldnot translate exactly, sorry.

I am waiting for 1.5 hours now and it is now writing in loop that:

xx index changing with security 11
xx index changing with security 12

What can i do? I cant go into desktop. PRoblem is in windows or harddisk?Please help.
Sounds goofy, but can you use a PS2 keyboard to skip this? We have Dell OptiPlex's and the bios doesn't recognize USB keyboards, so when you get that message or a few others you actually have to use a PS2 device in order to navigate.

Sounds goofy i know, and that doesn't solve WHY disk check is failing, but that will allow you to get into the system and either initiate a scan from there or you could mark the volume so disk check doesn't start.
I would initiate a scan with the /f and /r flags.

If you have a Vista disc, boot off of it, and select your language. Then select "Repair my computer" and click the Command Prompt option.

Then type in this command:
chkdsk c: /f /r

This will go through 5 stages, and attempt to fix any problems.
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