Cannot boot in Safe Mode

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You D: drive as it stands right now is the Boot drive.

To make the C: Drive the boot drive right click on it and make that drive the System Active drive. Then try to rebuild your boot.ini after that.

Thanks to everyone who has replied and helped me fix the issue.

I made C drive System Active and I just cut and pasted the boot.ini file from D to C. After I checked msconfig there is now Boot.ini tab.

Thanks again!

ahhh... I spoke to soon.

I'm on another computer now but when I rebooted after typing that message, I got the following problem now...

******Warning: System boot fail*******

Your system lastboot fail or post interrupted.
Please enter setup to load default and reboot again.

*****Warning: Your computer CPU Fan fail or speed too low*****

You can disable this warning message in setup.

Press F1to continue, DEL to enter setup.

Anyway, so I press F1 to continue and then I get this...

Windowsfile missing or corrupt:
<WINDOWS ROOT>\System32\hal.dll

Please reinstall a copy of file above.

Hmmm.... so what now?

I'm going to get my windows disc off my friend tomorrow and run a repair, hopefully that will fix it. I have too much to lose on the HDD that I haven't backed up yet.. Don't want to format.


Hal.dll is easily fixed. Here is a whole list of solutions.

Troubleshooting Windows XP - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

Can just insert the XP CD and copy the hal.dll file over from the CD to the Windows/system32 directory. Can do what is suggested there. Either way will fix the issue.

hal.dll is mostly related to the boot.ini pointing to the wrong partition. Use the REcovery console to do a fixboot and fixmbr.

As to the cpu-fan-too-low warning, post-fail, etc. you might just need to configure some options in your BIOS. e.g. there's an option in the bios to warn the user if the cpu fan rpm drops below a certain count, which might have been disabled before.
Alright well just another update..

I got the windows cd entered repair and typed in bootcfg /rebuild then I got this error..

Failed to successfully scan disks for windows installations.
This error may be caused by corrupt file system which would prevent bootcfg from successfully scanning... blah blah blah.

Well, I ran CHKDSK and everything is in good condition. Now I'm not sure what to do..

I even tried expand e:\i386\hal.dl_

then it just gave me the option to overwrite file and thats it, it did nothing lol.

someone have any more options please reply asap!



anybody? I don't want to reinstall windows. I need to keep data.

I can understand your frustration but do NOT bump your own topic within 24 hours. We all have lives and things to do as well. Your post was at 5AM my time. I could not be here to answer it. Please be patient.

Did you look thru that page i linked to? Did you try everything that i have said? With the rebuild of boot.ini and everything? It seems you are only taking the easy solutions and not trying everything being suggested.

Yeah, I went to the link and tried to rebuild bootcfg but it gave me the error message above. I could not manually build it because I can't log into windows and that was all it had for the Hal.dll file.
At the bottom of the page it has 'Repair installing (in place upgrade) Windows XP' as a solution but does not give instructions.
****, the Repair option is not available.

I tried again to expand e:\i386\hal.dl_ C:windows\system32\

but it said 'access denied'

Then I checked 'Set' and all were at FALSE, so I went to change them to TRUE and it gave me this message; 'the set command is currently disabled. The SET commandis an optional Recovery Console command that can only be enabled by using the security configuration and Analysis snap-in'

One thing strange is that when entering the recovery console, it never gave me the option to press 1 and enter my windows installation or login as Admin... I'm just throwing stuff out that might help.

I'm beginning to think my computer hates me and I have no choice but to reinstall windows :(

I will wait until I get another reply and maybe another shot at fixing this before I format anything.
If I format and install windows vista, is there any software I can use to recover data?
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